Optimizely Web Experimentation
The Optimizely JavaScript API provides a way for developers to modify the default behavior of Optimizely on web pages.
The Optimizely snippet is a JavaScript file that contains all the logic needed to run Optimizely experiments on a web page. Using the JavaScript API, you can modify the default behavior of the Optimizely snippet to target activation based on specific page content or events; query the state of activation, bucketing, or conversion for use in custom analytics packages; and force visitors into specific variations, among other capabilities.
Refer to the API functions to see the PUSH and GET capabilities of the JavaScript API.
See also Certification exams for Optimizely Experimentation Strategist, Experimentation Web Platform Expert and other products.
If you have any questions about using the JavaScript API, you can submit a ticket to the developer support team.
Updated almost 2 years ago